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Live Nation 會員優先訂票 The Magical ManSuang in Hong Kong

日期 : 2023年11月22-23日 (三至四) 晚上8時
地點 : 麥花臣場館

泰國近二十年預售票房最高紀錄、人氣電影《ManSuang》主演Mile、Apo、Bas同Tong即將來港與粉絲見面!Be On Cloud 及 Live Nation 將攜手為香港觀眾帶來「The Magical ManSuang」電影放映及粉絲見面會,活動將會喺今年11月22-23號假麥花臣場館舉行,聽聞四位主演仲會有特別嘅驚喜演岀送俾香港嘅fans添呀!

Be On Cloud and Live Nation are proud to launch "The Magical ManSuang in Hong Kong". The cast of the highly acclaimed film "Mile” Phakphum, “Apo” Nattawin, “Bas” Asavapatr, and “Tong” Thanayut, will be bringing screenings, discussions and surprise performances to Hong Kong on 22-23 November in Hong Kong at Macpherson Stadium.

The Magical ManSuang in Hong Kong⁠

2023.11.22-23 (Wed-Thu) 8PM | Macpherson Stadium⁠

HK$1699 (VIP) / 999 / 699 (All Seated)

Complete VIP details to be announced soon! ⁠

Live Nation 會員優先訂票 Live Nation Members Presale⁠

2023.10.18 (Wed) 12pm-11:59pm⁠

公開發售 General Sale⁠

2023.10.19 (Thu) 12pm onwards⁠ at www.cityline.com⁠

⁠⁠資料來源: Live Nation HK Facebook

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